The Waikapu Community Association hosted a booth at the October 1, 2022 Plantation Days Festival at the Sugar Museum in Puunene. It was a fun event and great to see so many people in person after so many Zoom meetings! Big Mahalo to History Committee Chair Wallette Pellegrino and team who put everything together with a beautiful display. Here are photos from the day.

Travis Polido & Wallette Pellegrino talk to community members about Waikapu

Brad Harger & Glenn Adolpho

Jane Tesoro & Wallette Pellegrino
Sen. Gil S.C. Keith-Agaran, Travis Polido, Wallette Pellegrino, Cheryl Adolpho, Jayne Kinoshita, Muffy Gushi
Rep. Angus McKelvey, Cheryl Adolpho, Sen. Gil S.C. Keith-Agaran, Glenn Adolpho

Back row L to R: Cheryl Adolpho, Eric Ikeuchi, Brad Harger, Jane Tesoro, Wallette Pellegrino. Front row L to R: Glenn Adolpho, Travis Polido

Wallette Pellegrino, Mahina Martin, Cheryl Adolpho

Kimberly Delmore, Jayne Kinoshita, Wallette Pellegrino, Travis Polido
Kimberly Delmore, Wallette Pellegrino, Travis Polido