Issues & Testimony

Maui Island Plan

The WCA, represented by then President Jacob Verkerke, as well as other community members, submitted testimony throughout the entire MIP review process.  The primary focus was the desire to keep Waikapū as a unique and separate small town, not an extension of Wailuku or Kahului.  Mahalo to everyone who supported the WCA’s viewpoint.  We will continue our efforts to ensure that Waikapū’s identity is maintained.

WCA Testimony

May 21, 2012: General Plan Committee testimony

March 14, 2012: General Plan Committee testimony

March 1, 2012: General Plan Committee testimony

February 16, 2012: General Plan Committee testimony

February 2, 2012: General Plan Committee testimony


Waiʻale Project

The WCA, represented by then President Jacob Verkerke, and other community members expressed their concerns about the possible encroachment of the proposed project into the Waikapū community.  Issues were raised about open space, the number of housing units proposed, water sources, traffic, and a loss of identity for Waikapū.  We will also continue to provide testimony when needed.

WCA Testimony

July 20, 2011: Comments to Waiʻale Draft Environmental Impact Statement

April 5, 2011: Draft Environmental Assessment, Proposed Waiʻale Road Extension and East Waiko Road Improvements

September 29, 2010: Early Consultation for the proposed Waiʻale Road Extension and East Waiko Road Improvements


Waikapū Industrial Park

The WCA met with representatives of the proposed Waikapū Industrial Park and expressed their concerns.  The project is currently underway.

WCA Testimony

September 29, 2010: Early Consultation Request for the proposed Waikapū Light Industrial Project


Other Testimony

WCA Testimony

July 3, 2012: Budget & Finance Committee testimony

February 16, 2012: Testimony to the State Land Use Commission on Waiʻale Project

November 3, 2011: Testimony to the State Land Use Commission on the Waiʻale Project

Our Mission

To enhance the quality of life for the residents of Waikapū through the preservation and appreciation of its history, natural environment, and values of its rural tradition.